Welcome to The Prana Plate Wellness Service!

In this fast-paced world that we live in, there is hardly time to slow down and observe the subtle signals that our body gives us on a daily basis. Yet when we finally notice that something doesn’t feel quite right then we turn to the wise “Sage Google” to try to pinpoint what could be wrong. There is so much of information available at our fingertips and going through all of this often leaves us overwhelmed and without any practical solutions. Where do you start?

It is said that dis-ease in the body takes at least 6 months to manifest as a symptom. When something feels a little off, that’s when we should already be paying attention. The human body was created with innate intelligence to recognise and resolve minor disturbances to the balance of the system, however it does require our support and understanding to give it the resources it needs to work optimally. Each moment is an opportunity for us to observe what the body is trying to communicate to us. What does the body need? When does it need it? How much does it need?


What We Offer

We encourage you to come and explore how the ancient, yet so relevant to the modern-day, wisdom of Ayurveda can help you to understand how to be your best self, being fully present in every moment. Empower yourself with simple yet highly effective tools and techniques to manage stress and bring yourself back into balance so that you can navigate this life, in this body, with ease. The answers that you seek are all within you. You are your own healer. Allow us to guide you on your healing journey.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, is considered by many to be the oldest documented health care system in the world. Ayur (life) – Veda (science) literally translates to “the science of life.” More than a healthcare system, it is a vast body of knowledge for how everything in the universe interacts. Ayurveda’s primary goal is the preservation of health and prevention of disease.

Part of what makes Ayurveda so effective is that it acknowledges that individual health is part of a greater whole. By working with the fundamental elements in nature and understanding how to detect their qualities in our own lives we can use Ayurvedic wisdom to maintain and restore balance since more focus is placed on supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Just like everyone has a unique fingerprint, each individual has a particular pattern of energy - an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics - which comprises their unique constitution. Are you curious about your unique constitution? Take this free quiz to find out what that is and then await the next steps, allowing the most profound journey to unfold. You will find some additional questions to assess your overall wellness too - so please take some time to ponder on those.

What to Expect from an Ayurvedic Consultation

  • Personalised diet & lifestyle guidance (no one-size-fits-all solution).

  • Unique wellness protocols designed based on health history, physical, psychological and physiological makeup.

  • Understanding how emotional (work and family relationships) and physical stressors (diet and food choices, seasonal changes, weather, physical trauma or injury) cause imbalances.

  • Detection of current imbalances to restore the original constitution.

  • A better understanding of health in order to make long-term, sustainable shifts towards a better lifestyle (no short-term quick fixes that don’t last).

How the Consultation Works

Once you’ve filled in the form to determine your unique Ayurvedic Constitution, you will receive further communication on how to set up an appointment to discuss the results. Alternatively, you can scroll down to book an appointment and we will guide you from there.

NEW!! Friend/ Partner Ayurvedic Consultation

A great option for those who want to start their Ayurvedic journey with a friend/ partner to learn how to incorporate Ayurvedic principles in day-to-day living and be there for each as constant reminders of the teachings. Please take note that for this option you will both be required to communicate openly about your health and wellness, so it's essential for both of you to be comfortable with sharing during the session.


Energy Exchange

Ayurvedic Health Consultation (90min): R750

Follow-up Consultation (45min): R375 (to be scheduled after initial appointment)

NEW Friend/ Partner Ayurvedic Consultation (120min): R1350


Book an Ayurvedic Consultation

If you’re ready to start the journey, let us know when would be a suitable time for you to have a consultation and we’ll get back to you with availability and further information on how to proceed.